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3826   3 years ago
Thunder | 38 subscribers
3826   3 years ago
aka Werewolf Woman. A Rino Silvestro Film. Quentin Tarantino's favourite exploitation flick. Daniela (Annik Borel) is a very mentally disturbed young woman suffering from sexual trauma (she was raped at 15) who lives with her wealthy doting father, Count Neseri (Tino Carraro). Thanks to discovering her family history through historical documents, she has extremely vivid dreams that one of her ancestors was a werewolf who murdered a man and who got burned at the stake by angry villagers. Unfortunately, these constant nightmares and visions are all too real to Daniela's mind, and when her US based sister Irene (Dagmar Lassander) and her husband Fabian (Osvaldo Ruggieri) make a surprise homecoming visit to Italy, she becomes sexually attracted to her bro in law Fabian igniting her primal animal instinct. On their first night in their father's house, Daniela lures her sister's husband Fabian to a the nearby forest and has sex with him, but kills him afterwards ripping out his throat before pushing him off a cliff. After Fabian's murder, Daniela is hospitalized and subjected to various treatments, but her aroused primal instinct leads her to escape from the hospital and go on a wolf-like killing spree. Both men and women fall prey to her “wolf”-like violence, but Daniela manages to find something close to true love courtesy of a film stunt man Luca (Howard Ross) who takes her in and after a few weeks, Daniela becomes a happy normal lady. Of course, this being an exploitation flick of the rape/revenge genre, Daniela's happiness doesn’t last. Daniela is attacked and raped again by 3 male intruders who kill her beau Luca, and she ends up back to her wolf-like ways seeking revenge against the 3 men who destroyed her nice life with Luca.