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Carnalita 1974 (con Erna Schurer e Femi Benussi)

4725   4 years ago
Thunder | 38 subscribers
4725   4 years ago
aka With Carnal Intent / Naked and Lustful. An unscrupulous businessman Prof. Gabriele Luciani cheats Count Orsani out of his (the Count's) seaside castle in a crooked estate deal. The Prof. together with his terminally ill wife Elisabeth move in to stay at the castle along with the wife's nurse Anna (Femi Benussi). The Prof. romances his sexy blonde secretary in his office and the nurse Anna while at home even as his wife lies down waiting to die on her bed. As if his 2 lovers are not enough, he starts to lure a blonde college girl Roberta (real name Valeria) at the beach. After the death of his wife Elisabeth, he marries Roberta who unbeknownst to him has her own motive in marrying him. Continue watching to the end to find out how this Prof. pays the price for his deceitful ways.